NAVIGATING by the stars
Reimagining Ourselves In 2023
Happy New Year! From an astrological perspective 2023 begins with a bit of a delay as both Mars, the planet that represents motivation and desire, and Mercury are retrograde through January...
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Receiving Messages During Mercury Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn December 29, 2022-January 18, 2023 Tomorrow morning (Thursday the 29th) Mercury once again officially is in retrograde motion, meaning that it appears that...
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Celebrating Solstice: The Return Of The Light
Solstice 12/21/22 4:48 EST 2:48 pm MST Everything has a season and a turning point in time. Perhaps there is no more evocative holy-day than the winter...
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Turning Towards Yourself: Making Each Moment Holy
In the past 24 hours Venus has entered Capricorn and we are speeding towards the Solstice, the point in the year where the light begins to slowly grow again, moving us fully into Capricorn...
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Full Moon In Gemini: Waiting to exhale
Full Moon in Gemini Wednesday, Dec 7, 2022 11:07 PM EST/8:07 PM PST I have been obsessed with an exploration of listening since I was studying with Martin De Maat at Chicago’s...
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Are you holding your heart in your hands?
As I write this I am feeling that the adage time flies is a massive understatement. It is astonishing to me that it is already December. And as the year quickly is drawing to a close...
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Sagittarius New Moon: Let's Go Beyond Together
New Moon in Sagittarius Wednesday, November 23 at 5:57 p.m. ET/2:57 p.m. PT “Within my body are all the sacred places of the world, and the most profound pilgrimage I can...
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We only control what we don't trust
This week I read the story of a 95 year old woman who has been nominated for a Grammy and I posted it on Facebook with the comment never give up. This woman loved music but never planned to be a...
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Are you Meeting The Moment?
There is an innate wildness within all of us. A way of moving, a pulse, that silently draws us forward. An instinctive knowing that seemingly, inexplicably draws us along our path. It knows what...
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Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: Let go and Trust
New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio Solar Eclipse Tuesday October 25 3:49 am PDT 6:49 am EDT Moon at 2:00 Scorpio, Sun at 2:00 Taurus Early tomorrow morning the skies will be...
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Cutting to the heart of desire; how to use the magic of Venus Cazimi this Saturday
In the eyes of the ancients, Venus was believed to be a star rather than a planet as she was so bright in the night sky. Metaphorically, and on a certain level literally within our psyche,...
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Choosing to View The World in a New Way: Full Moon in Aries
The Moon is one of the most potent and visible symbols in the sky. Its path over any given month mirrors our own experience. Like the Moon we, our lives, are constantly evolving, never the same from...
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Venus Cazimi; Pregnant With Possibility
We are in a brief three week sweet spot this month that will culminate with a Venus cazimi on October 22. There’s magic in the moment the Sun & Venus unite, cazimi means heart of the Sun and...
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Navigating Liminal Space
In the past few weeks I have found my self contemplating liminal space much of the time. This Mercury retrograde has been surprisingly chaotic for me in a manner I didn't anticipate as it...
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Find balance within through September 23
We so often rush forward, barely giving ourselves time to catch our breath. This is what I love about retrogrades in general; to me they are always an opportunity to slow down and reassess. As I...
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